Amiga Format CD 22
Amiga Format AFCD22 (Jan 1998, Issue 106).iso
next >
Text File
588 lines
; $VER: FSearch.gc 1.1
; by D.Keletsekis 15/9/97
; GUI for the FSearch command
; You must have FSearch 1.1 in the guis:c/fsearch directory, or
; else change the paths given in the 2 Launch commands.
; This gui can be called as :
; GUILOAD guis:g4c/fsearch.gc SearchPath
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Globals
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
WINBIG 103 22 409 159 'FSearch 1.1 by D.Keletsekis'
WinType 11110001
varpath 'fsearch.ft/dir.gc'
winout "kcon:0/100/690/170/FSearch Output/auto/close/wait"
BOX 2 13 406 128 OUT button
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; System events
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
setgad FSearch.gc 101 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 201/250 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 300/350 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 325/333 off ; size
setgad FSearch.gc 305/306 off ; date
GuiOpen FSearch.gc
; the default values
if $$ARG.0 > ''
searchpath = $$ARG.0
searchpath = sys:
file = '#?'
subdirs = ALL
findtxt = ''
case = ''
strsearch = On
output = gui
format = 'VERBOSE'
nobin = ''
nopath = ''
details = ''
highlight = HL
min_size = ''
max_size = ''
from = ''
to = ''
header = ''
update fsearch.gc 2 $searchpath
setgad fsearch.gc 7 on
; load the file types
lvuse fsearch.ft 1
lvchange :fsearch.types
GuiQuit FSearch.gc
GuiQuit fsearch.ft ; filetypes gui
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Gui Mode cycler
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ---- a cycler to change the gui to its various modes
XCYCLER 2 0 186 13 "" guimode
gadhelp 'Click to change the GUI mode'
gadid 500
gadkey m ; use 'm' to cycle it
CStr "FSearch Parameters" PAR
CStr "FSearch Settings" SET
cstr "Date, Size & Type" DATE
cstr "FSearch Results" RES
gosub FSearch.gc guichange
xroutine guichange
docase $guimode
case = PAR
setgad FSearch.gc 1/13 show
setgad FSearch.gc 21/24 show
setgad FSearch.gc 101 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 300/350 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 201/250 hide
case = SET
setgad FSearch.gc 1/13 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 21/24 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 101 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 300/350 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 201/250 show
case = DATE
setgad FSearch.gc 1/13 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 21/24 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 101 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 201/250 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 300/350 show
case = RES
setgad FSearch.gc 1/13 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 21/24 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 101 show
setgad FSearch.gc 300/350 hide
setgad FSearch.gc 201/250 hide
; redraw FSearch.gc
; NEW - using PARTREDRAW - looks great eh?
partredraw FSearch.gc 4 15 402 124
if $guimode != RES
SetWintitle FSearch.gc 'FSearch by D. Keletsekis'
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Parameters
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ------ choose searchpath(s)
BOX 10 20 388 64 in button
gadid 12
CTEXT 20 25 "Search in :" #screen 8 2 0 0001
gadid 1
XTEXTIN 18 37 350 13 "" searchpath sys: 100
gadhelp 'This is the path FSearch will start searching from'
gadid 2
setgad FSearch.gc 5 on ; set cursor to next textin gad
XBUTTON 370 37 18 13 "<" ; choose a searchpath
gadhelp 'Will pop-up a requester to let you choose a path'
gadid 3
ReqFile -1 -1 300 200 'Choose SearchPath:' DIR searchpath $searchpath
update FSearch.gc 2 $searchpath
; ---- filename pattern
CTEXT 21 54 "File name pattern :" #screen 8 2 0 0001
gadid 4
XTEXTIN 17 65 371 13 "" file '#?' 100
gadhelp 'Enter the filepattern wanted - #? means all files'
gadid 5
setgad FSearch.gc 7 on ; set cursor to next textin gad
XCHECKBOX 364 24 25 9 "_Include sub-directories" subdirs ALL "" ON
gadhelp 'Check ON to make FSearch recurse through all subdirectories'
gadid 11
; ---- text search
CTEXT 22 99 "Find text :" #screen 8 2 0 0001
gadid 6
XTEXTIN 17 111 371 13 "" findtxt '' 100
gadhelp 'Enter the text you want to find - or nothing for no text search.'
gadid 7
BOX 9 92 389 37 IN BUTTON
gadid 8
XCHECKBOX 360 97 25 9 "Case sensitive" case CS "" OFF
gadhelp 'Check ON to make the search Case Sensitive'
gadid 9
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Search results listview
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
XLISTVIEW 4 15 400 124 "" resfile "" 10 MULTI
gadhelp "Here we'll display the results of the search"
gadid 101
gadfont #mono 8 001
; deal with file - if running with dir.gc
ifexists gui dir.gc
; check the first characters
; use popup window to deal with choice, if it's a file
if $resfile[0][4] = '32m'
cutvar resfile[4] cut word 1 resfile
cutvar resfile cut char -4 temp ; cut the csi
ifexists file $resfile
guiload guis:tools/rtn/FilePop $fsearch.gc/resfile
; or it could be a file but with highlight off
elseif $resfile[0][1] != ' '
and $resfile[0][1] != ''
ifexists file $resfile
guiload guis:tools/rtn/FilePop $fsearch.gc/resfile
; then it must be a line number.. I use CEd as an editor
elseifexists port rexx_ced
cutvar resfile[4] cut word 1 resfile
sendrexx rexx_ced 'jump to line $resfile'
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; FSearch settings
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ------- output mode
BOX 23 28 175 71 in button
gadid 201
XRADIO 156 38 18 9 output 2
gadhelp 'Choose where you want the output from FSearch to go to'
gadid 202
rstr 'Output to Gui' gui
RStr 'Output to Shell' cli
; ----------- Output format
XRADIO 156 68 19 9 format 2
gadhelp 'Says it all really..'
gadid 203
RStr 'Show text found' 'VERBOSE'
RStr 'Filenames only' ''
; ------------ Settings - checkboxes
BOX 214 28 176 70 IN BUTTON
gadid 208
XCHECKBOX 350 35 25 9 'Highlight results' highlight "HL" "" ON
gadhelp 'Bask in the glory of colored ansi text - (OS V39)'
gadid 205
XCHECKBOX 350 50 25 9 "Check binary files" nobin "" "NOBIN" ON
gadhelp 'Check ON to make FSearch search binary files'
gadid 211
XCHECKBOX 350 65 25 9 "Show File Path" nopath "" "NOPATH" ON
gadhelp 'Will output filenames using their full path'
gadid 212
XCHECKBOX 350 79 25 9 "Show File Details" details "INFO" "" OFF
gadhelp 'Will also print out file size, date etc'
gadid 213
; ------- help & save settings
XBUTTON 299 119 91 13 "Help.."
gadhelp 'Loads the FSearch.doc - the full Gui4Cli installation is needed'
*FILENAME = '$$win.path\fsearch.readme'
guiload guis:tools/read.gc
guiopen read.gc
gadid 220
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; DO IT!
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; This is where the commandline is formed and launched. The name of
; the variable which holds it is 'options'
XBUTTON 20 143 91 13 "_Search"
gadhelp 'Start the search!'
gadid 501
if $searchpath < ' '
setwintitle FSearch.gc 'Wrong parameters!'
SetWintitle FSearch.gc Searching...
; --- construct the command line
options = '$searchpath '
if $file != '#?'
and $file > ' '
appvar options 'PAT=$file '
if $findtxt > ' '
appvar options 'TXT=\"$findtxt\" $case '
if $size = SIZE
if $min_size > ' '
and $min_size > 0
min = $min_size
if $min_type = mb
min == $min * 1000
appvar options 'MIN=$min '
if $max_size > ' '
and $max_size > 0
max = $max_size
if $max_type = mb
max == $max * 1000
appvar options 'MAX=$max '
if $min_size > $max_size
and $max_size != ''
ezreq 'Minimum size is more than\nMaximum size..' Ooops! ''
if $date = DATED
if $from_date > ' '
appvar options 'FROM=$from_date '
if $to_date > ' '
appvar options 'TO=$to_date '
extract header clean header
if $header > ' '
and $header != NONE
appvar options 'HEADER=$header'
appvar options '#? '
appvar options '$format $nobin $nopath $details $highlight $subdirs'
; disable gadgets
setgad FSearch.gc 501/502 off
; --- launch according to where it should output
if $output = cli
say '\n-------------- Search results :\n'
launch 1 'guis:c/FSearch $options'
say 'guis:c/FSearch $options\n'
launch 2 'guis:c/FSearch >pipe:findres $options'
; say 'guis:c/FSearch >pipe:findres $options\n'
update FSearch.gc 500 3 ; change gui to show results listview
guimode = RES
gosub FSearch.gc guichange
; ---------- xONRETURN commands - handle returns according to launches
; -- return from shell launch
xonreturn 1 ; to the shell
say '-------------- Search finished.\n'
setgad FSearch.gc 501/502 on
SetWintitle FSearch.gc 'Search finished.'
; -- return from gui output mode launch
xonreturn 2 ; to gui or file
lvuse FSearch.gc 101
setgad FSearch.gc 501/502 on
SetWintitle FSearch.gc 'Search finished.'
; -- the pipe event where the output is piped at
xpipe pipe:findres ON
gadid 999
lvuse FSearch.gc 101 ; whenever a line is available
lvadd $$pipe ; append it to our listv
; -- We're all human..
setwintitle FSearch.gc '** Error **'
setgad FSearch.gc 501/502 on
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; Clear & cancel buttons
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; --------------- The CLEAR button - reset all settings
XBUTTON 205 143 91 13 "C_lear"
gadhelp 'Clear the current gadgets - will not change hidden gadgets'
gadid 502
docase $guimode
case = PAR
file = #?
update FSearch.gc 5 $file
findtxt = ''
update FSearch.gc 7 ''
case = SET
case = DATE
date = ANY
update FSearch.gc 301 0
from_date = ''
update FSearch.gc 305 ''
to_date = ''
update FSearch.gc 306 ''
size = ANY
update FSearch.gc 321 0
min_size = ''
update FSearch.gc 325 ''
max_size = ''
update FSearch.gc 330 ''
min_type = kb
update FSearch.gc 329 0
max_type = kb
update FSearch.gc 333 0
setgad FSearch.gc 325/333 off ; size
setgad FSearch.gc 305/306 off ; date
header = NONE
update FSearch.gc 341 'All files'
case = RES
lvuse FSearch.gc 101 ; clear the lv
; --------------- The CANCEL button
XBUTTON 300 143 91 13 "_Cancel"
gadhelp 'Abort the Search!'
gadid 503
breaktask guis:c/FSearch C ; break fsearch
setgad FSearch.gc 999 CLEAN ; stop & flush pipe output
lvuse FSearch.gc 101
lvadd "**** BREAK ****"
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; The surrounding boxes
BOX 13 17 381 47 in button
gadid 335
BOX 13 74 381 41 in button
gadid 336
; ----- Date
CTEXT 20 20 Date #screen 8 2 0 "0001"
gadid 300
XRADIO 171 25 17 9 date 4
gadid 301
RStr 'Any date' ANY
RStr 'Files dated' DATED
if $date = ANY
setgad FSearch.gc 305/306 off
setgad FSearch.gc 305/306 on
XTEXTIN 298 31 77 12 "From:" from_date '' 100
gadid 305
setgad FSearch.gc 306 on
XTEXTIN 298 45 77 12 "To:" to_date '' 100
gadid 306
setgad FSearch.gc 305 on
; ----- Size
CTEXT 20 77 Size #screen 8 2 0 "0001"
gadid 320
XRADIO 173 82 18 9 size 4
gadid 321
RStr 'Any size' ANY
RStr 'Files sized' SIZE
if $size = SIZE
setgad FSearch.gc 325/333 on
setgad FSearch.gc 325/333 off
XTEXTIN 247 85 47 12 Over min_size "" 100
gadid 325
XBUTTON 296 85 15 12 "<"
gadid 327
if $min_size > 0
counter min_size dec 1
update FSearch.gc 325 $min_size
XBUTTON 312 85 15 12 ">"
gadid 328
counter min_size inc 1
update FSearch.gc 325 $min_size
XCYCLER 328 85 52 12 "" min_type
CStr Kb kb
CStr Mb mb
gadid 329
XTEXTIN 247 99 46 12 Under max_size "" 100
gadid 330
XBUTTON 296 99 15 12 "<"
gadid 331
if $max_size > 0
counter max_size dec 1
update FSearch.gc 330 $max_size
XBUTTON 312 99 15 12 ">"
gadid 332
counter max_size inc 1
update FSearch.gc 330 $max_size
XCYCLER 328 99 52 12 "" max_type
CStr Kb kb
CStr Mb mb
gadid 333
; ----- File type
CTEXT 28 122 Type #screen 8 2 0 0001
gadid 340
TEXT 66 122 289 12 "All files" 80 BOX
gadid 341
XBUTTON 357 122 23 12 "<"
gadid 342
guiopen fsearch.ft
; ##################################################################
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; FSearch.ft
; Gui with listview for choosing file header type
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; ##################################################################
NEWFILE fsearch.ft
WINBIG 245 109 179 116 ''
WinType 00001000
winonmouse 100 50
varpath FSearch.gc
guiclose fsearch.ft
guiclose fsearch.ft
; start off with empty listview - load the fsearch.types file in the
; fsearch.gc xonload event
XLISTVIEW 0 0 179 116 "" ftype '' 10 TXT
gadid 1
guiclose fsearch.ft
cutvar ftype cut word -1 header
update FSearch.gc 341 $ftype